Departments Seattle Public Schools Departments and Services Jump to A B C D E F G H I L M N O P R S T V W A Advanced Learning African American Male Achievement (AAMA) American Indian Resource Library American Indian Studies: Since Time Immemorial Archives Assessments Athletics Attendance B Behavioral Health Services Business and Finance C Capital Projects and Planning Career and Technical Education Communications Community Partnerships Coordinated School Health Culinary Services Customer Service D Department of Racial Equity Advancement Digital Learning Directors of Schools Discipline and Behavior E Early Learning English Learners Enrollment Planning Equity, Partnerships and Engagement Ethics Office Ethnic Studies F Facility Operations Family Partnerships Family Support Program G Government Relations Grants H Health Education Health Services Homeless Program: McKinney-Vento Housing Partnerships Human Resources I Instructional Materials Internal Audit International Education L Language Arts Legal Library Services M Mathematics Mental Health Services N Native American Education O Ombudsperson P Physical Education Prevention and Intervention Publishing Services R Research and Evaluation S Safety and Security School Counseling and Guidance Science Seattle Public Schools Television (SPSTV) Seattle Schools Scholarship Fund SEPA Social Emotional Learning Skills Social Studies Special Education Student ADA Student and Community Workforce Agreement Student Civil Rights Summer Programs Superintendent T Technology Services Transportation V Visual and Performing Arts Volunteer W Web Services