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Don't Leave R&D Tax Credits on the Table

Tax Incentives

通过专注于增值税务服务,补充您的传统税务和会计团队, NVIE can deliver quantifiable tax benefits to your firm. 我们扩展的税务专家团队是经验丰富的行业领袖,将决定哪些专门的税收方案将有利于您的业务. 我们与您的团队无缝合作的能力是许多企业选择与内华达州工业卓越计划合作的原因. Two commonly utilized tax incentives are listed below.

Accelerated Building Depreciation (Cost Segregation)

成本隔离是一种常用的战略税收规划工具,允许公司谁已经构建, 购买或改造任何类型的房地产,通过加速折旧扣除和推迟联邦和州所得税来增加现金流.

When you purchase a building, not only does it include the building structure, but it also includes all of the interior and exterior components. On average, 其中20%到40%的部件归入税收类别,这些税收类别的注销速度比建筑结构快得多. 成本分离研究剖析了建筑成本或购买价格的物业,否则将折旧超过39年. 成本分离研究的主要目标是确定所有可以折旧超过5的资产相关成本, 7 and 15 years. 与NVIE团队合作的好处是,我们通常比其他可能提供类似服务的公司更了解您的业务流程和设施.

Federal Research & Development Tax Credit

The R&D Tax Credit, first enacted in 1981, has been one of the most valuable credits leveraged by companies. Every year, the R&D信用为从事合格研究的公司带来数十亿美元的联邦福利. 包括制造业在内的多个行业中,数千家公司利用了这一信贷. 与NVIE团队密切合作,我们将确保您的所有合格活动都得到正确识别,并确保每个活动都符合IRS的四部分测试. 因此,我们将使您的潜在利益最大化,其中可能包括以下内容.

  • Improved cash flow.
  • Increased earnings-per-share.
  • Reduction of effective tax rate.
  • Carry forward of the tax credit for up to 20 years.
  • Dollar-for-dollar reduction in Federal Income Tax liability.
  • 回顾研究可能会识别之前3或4个纳税年度的无人认领的信用.

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